Our Vision

Preparing children to face and embrace tomorrow’s world


More Than a French Immersion School, a Community

At the EFGB, we want to offer more than a francophone educational experience to our students. We give our families the opportunity to be part of a francophone community that is culturally diverse and yet that has so much in common. We believe that the friendships that are developed can help children embrace their multicultural background and build their bilingual identity.

We also give families the opportunity to be involved in their children’s education and the school, as much as they would like. We strive to build strong, positive, open relationships with families because we believe that parent involvement strengthens the connection between home and school, and helps our children adapt and flourish in this new journey into life.
Collaboration is at the core of our teaching approach and is emphasized at every level of community decision-making. We want our families to have a voice in their children’s education.

A Multicultural Mindset

Through our curriculum and programs, we are committed to opening children’s minds to the world around them, and to creating a culture that is diverse and inclusive. We encourage our students to enjoy the full potential of being exposed to multiple cultures and languages. We teach them to be culturally responsive and mindful of differences.

The multiplicity of cultures, languages or socio-economic backgrounds of our families provide constant learning opportunities for each student. Through this exposure, students learn to understand, respect, and celebrate each other. From an early age, our students experience the benefits of a multicultural environment and education.

A Child-Centered, Personalized Approach to Education

We strive to give our students the opportunity to develop as a whole person, intellectually but also socially, emotionally, and ethically; and inspire them to utilize their talents and abilities to empower them to grow as individuals. Our focus is on the long-term development and success of our students. And our goal is to help them discover their interests, while developing their curiosity and love of learning.

Personalized Approach 1
We create a collaborative, caring, self-paced and positive learning environment to engage our students, encourage them to be curious and creative, and help them build confidence.
Our Vision 5

We encourage our students to follow their interests and we support their passions to nurture their natural skills and inclination to learn.

Our Vision 6

Students engage in meaningful play-based and project-based learning that helps them build a strong academic foundation, while developing the social and emotional skills that will equip them to become capable, independent, innovative thinkers.

Our Vision 7

We offer small class sizes with high teacher to student ratio to foster a personalized approach to education, where we can adapt to every child’s needs, abilities, and learning styles.

A Blend of Various Pedagogical Methods to Learning

We understand that to enable all our students to learn and thrive, we need to adapt to their needs, their personality, their natural skills and interests. This is why we develop academic and extracurricular programs inspired by various educational approaches and learning principles that promote creativity, self-discipline, independence, active learning, and positive reinforcement.

Our programs strive to actively and experientially involve students in the learning process. Children are always encouraged to follow their interests. We offer hands-on, self-paced, challenging yet joyful activities that give them the opportunity to develop their creative and analytical thinking, their cognitive and motor skills, and their social growth, while exploring the world. We strongly believe that engaging our students through active learning and encouraging them to develop their natural skills and passions is the best way to prepare them for academic success and their journey into life.